Result | Count | Percentage |
Negative | 4042 | 76 |
Low (50-500 epg) | 936 | 18 |
Medium (500-1200 epg) | 198 | 4 |
High (>1200 epg) | 170 | 3 |
Figure 9.7: Count of bovine faecal samples exmined for Strongyle eggs in 2017 n=( 5346 )
Result | Count | Percentage |
Negative | 4042 | 76 |
Low (50-500 epg) | 936 | 18 |
Medium (500-1200 epg) | 198 | 4 |
High (>1200 epg) | 170 | 3 |
Figure 9.7: Count of bovine faecal samples exmined for Strongyle eggs in 2017 n=( 5346 )